Affiliate Policy Disclosure

As part of the website platform, we take great care in selecting curated recommendations for luxury lifestyle subject matter and related topics that we believe our amazing audience will love. We want to be transparent about our affiliate relationships and provide you with our Affiliate Compensation Disclosure., owned and operated by Uply Media, Inc (“,” “CP,” “CHARMPOSH Trademark,” “us,” “we”), has financial relationships with certain affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, and other parties that appear on our Site, including mobile versions and social media channels (collectively referred to as the “Site”).

Since 2008, you have trusted us to curate luxury lifestyle content, and we deeply value that trust. We want to disclose that we may receive monetary compensation or other forms of compensation from our trusted affiliate partners for various activities such as affiliate marketing links, sponsorships, advertising, eCommerce store, and promotions featured on our site. When you make purchases through links on our site that lead to affiliate partner products or services, we may receive financial contributions.

Our site also features editorial content articles and related subject matter that may include third-party affiliate products and services. This can result in financial compensation when you make purchases through the affiliate links provided on our site.

In some cases, our affiliate partners may influence the content that appears on our site through carefully curated selections.

We want to assure you that receiving financial compensation does not compromise our integrity or our commitment to providing high-quality luxury lifestyle products and services.

Furthermore, if you choose not to make purchases through our affiliate links but click on third-party ads on our site, we may also receive financial compensation. This is a result of us providing valuable content articles about luxury lifestyle subject matter that include relevant third-party ads.

Please note that our list of affiliate marketing partners, including but not limited to MagicLinks and the Amazon Affiliate Program, is subject to change or update at any time.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in We are dedicated to delivering exceptional content and ensuring transparency in our affiliate relationships.


The Team